
Sunday 15 March 2015

Mother's Day Card DIY

DIY Quilled Handmade Mother's Day Card Birthday Flowers Pink

Happy Mother's Day everyone and to all of your lovely mums! :) 

Today's post will be a little DIY for a card I made yesterday (last minute whoops) for mum today. It could be tweaked and changed for other occassions but I thought it worked well as a Mother's Day card as I chose quite gentle and pastelly colours as mums are cute and lovely XD 

The technique I used for this card is called quilling. It's basically rolling strips of paper into different shapes to make your design :) You can either use ready made strips or I made my own by cutting strips of paper 0.5cm wide.

DIY Quilled Handmade Mother's Day Card Birthday Flowers Pink


White square card and envelope
White and pink paper or quilling strips
Pink mulberry paper
Quilling pen
Paintbrush and water
Heart gems

DIY Quilled Handmade Mother's Day Card Birthday Flowers Pink

DIY Quilled Handmade Mother's Day Card Birthday Flowers Pink

1. To start off with, choose your colours and cards etc. I think this is the hardest part and it usually takes me forever as I'm sooo indecisive! I went for a white square card, pink and white paper for the flowers and pink mulberry paper, or you can use any patterned paper. 

2. Using the ready made strips, or the ones you made, quill the strips into roughly even sized circles and glue the edge. I used a board that has premade shapes so I used it as a rough guide for my circles. Pinch the circle to make a teardrop shape. This will make a petal. Do this for all of them. I made 4 flowers, so 20 petals, 10 in white and 10 in pink.

DIY Quilled Handmade Mother's Day Card Birthday Flowers Pink

3. Measure how big you want your square windows. For this card I chose 4.5cm squares. If you're using mulberry paper, I'd recommend drawing drawing your shapes in pencil then instead of cutting with scissors, drawing along the outline with a wet paintbrush and gently ripping the paper, then leave to dry for a few minutes. 

DIY Quilled Handmade Mother's Day Card Birthday Flowers Pink

4. Glue to square windows to your card and glue the petals onto each window. 

DIY Quilled Handmade Mother's Day Card Birthday Flowers Pink

5. Finish it off by adding two little gem hearts to the bottom right corner. 

DIY Quilled Handmade Mother's Day Card Birthday Flowers Pink

DIY Quilled Handmade Mother's Day Card Birthday Flowers Pink

6. I like to fold a piece of white paper and glue it along the crease to the inside of the card so you can write on the paper and it gives it a nicer finish. 

Tadaa you've finished! Mum really liked the card so I'm really glad! I hope you've all had a lovely day! Let me know what you all got up to :)


  1. This has to be one of the cutest cards ever!! Cards aren't very popular in our house, we just throw them away. I'm the only one that keeps mine. Lol

    Happy mother's day to your mum! :)

    1. Thank you! We don't really do cards either but I thought I would do something nice for mum and she really appreciated it! Thank you! Happy belated Mother's Day to your mum too! :)

  2. nice

  3. So creative and pretty. Anyone would appreciate this.

  4. Hi Nevena! Thanks for your kind comment on my blog! Nice to meet you! I LOVE this card. Quilling is one of my favourite papercrafts and I also made my Mum a quilled card for Mothers day (was my Sunday post)- I love the idea of using the feathered-edged paper as a back drop for these- might have to nick that idea!x

    1. Hey Kezzie! That's okay, thank you for this lovely comment too! :) I like quilling, it's a bit more fiddly but it always turns out really pretty! :) Haha of course steal away! I originally did it square but it looked too plain :) x

  5. Hello! Great ideia so creative and cute :)
    *new follower in the blog and bloglovin.

  6. It looks so cute and professionally made, I'm sure your mum loved it!

    Bella Pummarola

    1. Aw thank you!! :) She did, she was really happy! :)

  7. Lovely DIY - great idea! <3

    I have a new outfit up on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  8. What a handy little tool you have there! Really like how the card turned out!


  9. Such a lovely idea! I miss giving people handmade cards, it's something I really want to get back into doing. Hope you had a lovely day with your mumma. Mara xx

    1. Thank you! You should get back into it! I can't do anything crafty at uni so when I come home I go a bit crazy for a few days XD Thank you! :) xx

  10. What a brilliant and beautiful idea, turned out so lovely :) I'd totally make this and just hang it up on my wall!

    1. Thank you! Haha make a collage out of it! XD

  11. This is beautiful, Nevena! The shades of pink you chose together with the white background work so well. Folding the paper thin sheets into flower petals seemed harder than choosing the colors because they must have this pop-up effect, but I think you did great. Cheers!

    Faye Fowler @ MasterCopyPrint
